Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blogging Rules & Regulations

A fren of mine told me dis morning:

" mana ada tulis panjang2..kena letak gmbr byk2 sket..."

(grrr...criticizing my blog so early in the morning..)

Errr...did somebody juz come along & create a set of rules on dis while I wasn't watching? I thought blog is more like an online diaries? And according to wikipedia, most blogs are primarily textual which further proves my point. *wink*

But yes I do agree, it would definitely look more 'lively' if I were to put lots & lots of pictures rite..?

p/s - girl, xdak picture to put liao...u think i got nothing better to do than snapping picture here & there all day long for ur pleasure?? muahaha..kidding la dear...I'm juz spoiling for an argument + needed something to update my feel honored dat I specially post dis for u..haha..*wink*..u noe who u are... ;p

4 comments on "Blogging Rules & Regulations"

Anonymous said...

weyyy haha bad talk about me!! btw, i'm truly honored.. :p I AM THE LAW....i want more n more pics of your baby eryna... :) hey how about your wedding pics? put it here..

ain on June 4, 2009 at 2:28 PM said... is more like an online diary. soooo...keep on writing!!

Sandra said...

LOL!!! Mine is full of pix because I'm always having a writer's block (but the truth is, I'm not as creative as you!).

Yeah! I vote for "more baby Eryna pix" too!

agnes said...

yes..keep on writing! luv to read your story..


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