Monday, May 11, 2009

"And the Oscar goes to..."

Mommy eryna!. Yeay!! (*happy*) Muahaha.. thanks jeri for the award.. I didn’t even know that there is an award in blogging world..well maybe becoz I’m not an active blogger myself eh?

The rules are :
  1. Post this award at your blog.
  2. Present this award to 10 blogs which u think is the most inspirational, amiable, lovely, congenial & nice.
    (tanpa mengikut turutan)
First blog dat came to my thought was my hubby’s, but when I told dat to him, his reaction was “huh? What award?”…I guess probably he do not care for it (huh, men..)
So, the next award goes to..:

OK…dat’s it..dat’s da only 2blogs dat I can think of…seriously, da rest of my friends all go for facebook..I’ll add more if I can think of any k…or any blogger who wud like dis award juz let me noe ya... ;)

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