Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 : A new beginning?

If you ask me, most probably my answer will be no. Well, in my case at least. How do I see the new beginning of the year 2013? I see it as a continuation of improvement. I see it as a time to not start as "a new me" but rather a time to reflect on who was I in the year 2012, and what can I change & improve from there. It's not being ' a new me' but rather ' a better me'.

A lot had happen to me in 2012, the last 6 months have been very trying but have been the sweetest as well. What had happen had change me, made me discover my weaknesses & fortunately found my source of strength as well.

I learn a lot of things in 2012. I discover a lot of things about me as well.

Hmm...Will babble more when I have the time. In which I dunno when. In da next 2 years maybe?


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